Here are some snapshots of our prototyping, demoing, and pitching over the years to create embodied conversational agents for

MindScribe's demo table at a private party for the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in 2017
Demoing our MindScribe mobile application at the ACM IUI conference on Intelligent User Interfaces in 2018

An ACM IUI attendee conversing with our MindScribe agent in Mandarin Chinese, to tell a story about her drawing

An ACM IUI attendee conversing with our MindScribe agent in Spanish, to tell a story about his drawing

Our MindScribe stuffed animal agents wait patiently to converse with these preschoolers about their creations. The prairie dog was our most popular agent in Japan!

A Palo Alto 6-year-old helps us test our tactile controls,
to integrate multimodal feedback into MindScribe's storytelling experience

Layne pitching MindScribe at the proposed NSF Center on Pervasive Personalized Intelligence

Prolific whiteboarding at MindScribe's headquarters
A prototype of our tabletop storytelling studio for MindScribe, demoed at the 2018 ATLAS Research and Innovation Showcase
P.S. To keep reading, check out my trip to the LEGO® headquarters.